N 39° 4.8’, W 75° 7.6’
October 3, 2000
Corsica River, Chester River, Chesapeake Bay, Maryland
We actually sailed about half way to our Corsica River anchorage off the Chester before the wind died. We set out about noon after a quick six mile bike ride in quest of ice ( the marina didn't have any.) It was a warm October day and we had a splendid couple hours of sailing. then once more we invoked the Universal wind.
We settled into a cove with a modest amount of waterfront residential development and enjoyed a mild evening. Here the salinity is high enough to support sea nettles and comb jellies. At night in this dark quiet country place you can stir up a glow in the water from dinoflagellates. Each time you bash a combjelly or hit it with turbulence, it gives off a bright spark like a firefly. A screech owl called from the dark low shore and small flocks of geese clamored nearby. Hey, feels kind of like back home here.
In the morning mist five young deer drank and then lingered to frisk around on the beach. Looks like a good place for a work day.
We entered the Chester River in late afternoon and chugged ten miles up to a tributary, the Corsica. Now on this gentle October afternoon we felt we had reached the true Eastern Shore- a low lying land riddled with winding waterways forming a maze of channels, marsh, farmland and forest. It lay before us, truely a blue highway, inviting us to continue to see what lies beyond that next curve or headland. And this broad river was almost empty of other boats.